This blog maintained by Beacon Principal, Jennifer Hill.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week of February 23rd

 Reminders for the Week

We work bette together! Remember to give encouraging words to your colleagues. Sarcasm can be hurtful, even if unintended. Be mindful of toyr words and action, They have an impact. 

Good News

Yellow and red calls are down this month, and green calls are on the rise. Kepp up the outstanding work you do on a daily basis! 

Black History Month

We will continue with our Moment in Blsck Hsitory each day. Thank you to Stacey for doing this. You are always more than welcome to shrare information about other important people in Black History. Many of our male studenrts would enjoy hearing about some history from their male idols. 

February 24th

Todaty there will be a multicultural food celebration for some of the classrooms. Please ask Vanessa for details. There will also be a a Beacon Ball celebration in the gym today, hosted by Brittany and Dorrian.

February 25th

There is a Unified Basletball Staff vs Students Game today, from 3:00-5:00, at LPHS. 

February 26th

No known events today, but have fun, and enjoy your day!

Febrary 27th

Stacey and Robyn will be at an Admin meeting from 1:15, until the end of the day.

February 28th

Prepare for an amazing weekend!!

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