This blog maintained by Beacon Principal, Jennifer Hill.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Week of February 9, 2025

 Reminders for the Week

* Please remember to turn in all IEP's and MDR's to Martha in a timely fashion. All completed before count day need to be given to Martha prior to Wednesday. No IEP's should be held on Count Day, and no initiation dates on Count Day. 

* We will now have staff lunch options available in the cafeteria.. Pizza is $2 per slice, sandwiches and salads are $3, and a full lunch is $5. Please place your orders on the back of the lunch forms. 

* Starting the week of February 15th, students can purchase pizza for $2, and staff and students will be able to purchase fresh baked cookies from the cafeteria for $1. 

* Enrichment plans are due to administration the last week of each month, for the following month. 

We will continue to our PBiS focus on Respect for the month. Remember to check the Beacon shared drive for lessons here: Respect

February 10th

Today's spirit day: Let's Show SUPER Kindness! Wear your favorite sports team shirt/jersey. Give a compliment.

We will have a secure drill, and a fire drill today. Please review the procedures sent out last week, and also review with students in the morning. 

February 11th

Today's spirit day: Kindness Rodeo. Wear your Western gear (boots, vests, plaid, flannel). Use your manners. 

Early Release and Staff Meeting today. Agenda:
    * Good Things
    * AT Presentation by Emily Defore
    * Questions/Comments/Concerns

February 12th

Today's spirit today: Positivity spreads kindness. Wear a shirt with a positive message, or bright and beautiful colors. Help someone out! 

February 13th

Today's spirit day: Kindness Rocks! Dress like a rockstar or wear your favorite band/singer shirt. Share a smile! 

February 14th

Today's spirit day: Have a HEART Day! Wear your Valentine Gear (think hearts, red, pink, white). Tell someone why you appreciate them. 

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