This blog maintained by Beacon Principal, Jennifer Hill.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week of February 23rd

 Reminders for the Week

We work bette together! Remember to give encouraging words to your colleagues. Sarcasm can be hurtful, even if unintended. Be mindful of toyr words and action, They have an impact. 

Good News

Yellow and red calls are down this month, and green calls are on the rise. Kepp up the outstanding work you do on a daily basis! 

Black History Month

We will continue with our Moment in Blsck Hsitory each day. Thank you to Stacey for doing this. You are always more than welcome to shrare information about other important people in Black History. Many of our male studenrts would enjoy hearing about some history from their male idols. 

February 24th

Todaty there will be a multicultural food celebration for some of the classrooms. Please ask Vanessa for details. There will also be a a Beacon Ball celebration in the gym today, hosted by Brittany and Dorrian.

February 25th

There is a Unified Basletball Staff vs Students Game today, from 3:00-5:00, at LPHS. 

February 26th

No known events today, but have fun, and enjoy your day!

Febrary 27th

Stacey and Robyn will be at an Admin meeting from 1:15, until the end of the day.

February 28th

Prepare for an amazing weekend!!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Week of February 16th

 Reminders for the Week

* Remember to continue to model the PBiS expectation of Respect this week for students. Practice being respectful in the classroom, and give students ideas on how they can show respect in their everyday lives. 

* If you see something, say something. This doesn't just entail you saying something when you see something "wrong" occurring, but also when you see something wonderful happening. This extends to both students, as well as your colleagues. If you see them doing something amazing, tell them, and if you see something that could impact them in a negative way, give a gentle reminder. In the moment when we see something not so great happening and choose to walk past it and ignore it, we are saying what is happening is ok. For example, if we hear a fellow colleague becoming overly frustrated with a student and don't say something to them, we are agreeing with their actions and saying it's okay with us. Instead, offer a helping hand and give them time for a break, or pull them aside privately and ask them if there is anything you can do to help. On the other hand, if you see something amazing happening and just continue to walk on by without acknowledging it, you are missing the opportunity to build someone up, and foster a sense of belonging and community in the building. You are all amazing at what you do on a daily basis, so let's acknowledge that greatness both with each other, as well as with our students. 

Black History Month Activity

The PBIS Committee has discussed a Black History activity that will promote students actively learning about significant blacks who have made contributions to our society in the past.  

The goal is for the elementary students, excluding the K-2 class, to construct a poster based on research on a famous black athlete (ex Jesse Owens) detailing fun facts about their lives and accomplishments.  The K-2 room will perform a skit on a famous athlete.  We would like to ask staff to choose athletes from the past and exclude those like LeBron James, Michael Jordan etc.

In the middle school, each classroom will construct a poster of a famous black musician before the 2000’s.  Their poster will also demonstrate their accomplishments and include background information etc.

In high school, the students will design a Google slideshow presentation on a famous black person who profoundly influenced our history.  We would like to exclude people such as Obama, MLK, Rosa Parks, and Madame CJ Walker.  The goal is for students to learn about famous Blacks who have shaped our country. The high school students will share their presentations during group, staff will receive links to all slides similar to what Ms Doctor currently does.

Each unit will create a mural to display their completed posters. Ms. Sharon and Ms. Hamilton will be collecting and helping put these together. 

We would like classrooms to start this on Wednesday, 2/12 through Friday, 2/21 which will account for possible snow days and mid-winter break.  Presentations will be presented the following week.  Classes can use group and enrichment times to work on the projects.

There will be one winning homeroom from each unit, the elementary and middle school will vote on the Google slideshows for high school and the high school students will vote for the best poster/skit.  The winning homerooms will receive a multicultural lunch to supplement the regular lunch.  We are asking for staff volunteers to cook dishes from various countries, for example, jambalaya for Creole, and egg rolls for Chinese culture.  These dishes are just to supplement and allow students to experience cuisine from other cultures.

There will be a Google doc to sign up for the lunch.

February 17th

February 18th

Professional Development Day is today. Please refer to the PD schedule emailed out last week. All Beacon staff will report to Beacon, unless you are signed up for CPI training, or have talked with me about attending somewhere else. 

February 19th

We will continue to focus on the PBiS expectation of Respect this month. Please refer to the lessons on the Beacon shared drive:

**Behavior team meeting is canceled for today

February 20th

Robyn will be at RESA in the AM today

February 21st

Robyn will be at Project SEARCH today for Skills Assessment Day. She can be contacted via text or by phone call at (248)910-1064

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Week of February 9, 2025

 Reminders for the Week

* Please remember to turn in all IEP's and MDR's to Martha in a timely fashion. All completed before count day need to be given to Martha prior to Wednesday. No IEP's should be held on Count Day, and no initiation dates on Count Day. 

* We will now have staff lunch options available in the cafeteria.. Pizza is $2 per slice, sandwiches and salads are $3, and a full lunch is $5. Please place your orders on the back of the lunch forms. 

* Starting the week of February 15th, students can purchase pizza for $2, and staff and students will be able to purchase fresh baked cookies from the cafeteria for $1. 

* Enrichment plans are due to administration the last week of each month, for the following month. 

We will continue to our PBiS focus on Respect for the month. Remember to check the Beacon shared drive for lessons here: Respect

February 10th

Today's spirit day: Let's Show SUPER Kindness! Wear your favorite sports team shirt/jersey. Give a compliment.

We will have a secure drill, and a fire drill today. Please review the procedures sent out last week, and also review with students in the morning. 

February 11th

Today's spirit day: Kindness Rodeo. Wear your Western gear (boots, vests, plaid, flannel). Use your manners. 

Early Release and Staff Meeting today. Agenda:
    * Good Things
    * AT Presentation by Emily Defore
    * Questions/Comments/Concerns

February 12th

Today's spirit today: Positivity spreads kindness. Wear a shirt with a positive message, or bright and beautiful colors. Help someone out! 

February 13th

Today's spirit day: Kindness Rocks! Dress like a rockstar or wear your favorite band/singer shirt. Share a smile! 

February 14th

Today's spirit day: Have a HEART Day! Wear your Valentine Gear (think hearts, red, pink, white). Tell someone why you appreciate them. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Week of February 2, 2025

 Reminders for the Week

* Remember to engage in self-care activities throughout the week! You all work so hard, and deserve some time to care for yourself. 

Self-Care Ideas

* Accomodation Logs

    Teachers please ensure that accommodation logs are updated for the second semester for each student on your caseload. All accommodation logs should reflect the students 2nd semester schedule and should be filled in each day for each student by all staff providing accommodations and/or modifications.

Please continue to share the names of any new students that may need an accommodation log set up for them with Carrie Wolshon.
Accommodation logs can be found at this link and are always accessible here, in the staff links column. 

* Food Pantry - a note from Martha
 I decided that instead of bringing food in for the pantry, I was going to donate money and then order when we need specific things. If you would prefer that, please let me know and we can pool our money and I will order when needed. Hoping we can send home some perishable items before the longer breaks.

Let me know if you are interested. This is ONLY if you would prefer that instead of an actual donation. 

Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Please be on the lookout for emails from Stacey Doctor, containing a link to videos portraying moments in Black History.These can be used in your classroom to facilitate a conversation or lesson around important people in Black History.

* Here is a resource for sample lessons:

Black History Month Sample lessons from NEA

February 3rd

Today we start our focus on Respect for the month. Here is the link to the Beacon PBiS  respect folder, to promote respect in your classrooms: 

Beacon PBiS Respect Lessons

Today is Monday Door Decorating, and the theme should be related to Respect and Belonging

February 4th

Today there will be a staff meeting in the cafeteria after school.


  • Good things

  • Expectations for Calming Corners and Minors

    • Aligns with upcoming PD

    • PD will focus on Calming Corners and Brain Breaks, restorative practices and Trauma-Informed Practices

    • Review of Minors

    • Review Calming Corner Checklist

  • Para’s Dismissed - teachers and ancillary staff will have Danielson Domain 3 Training

February 5th

Behavior Team meeting @ 8:45
Emily, a teacher in another district, will be coming for a tour @ 2:00

February 6th

Parent Engagement Michigan Alliance for Families presentation on parent advocacy is tonight at the Lincoln Park Board office, from 5:30-6:45.

February 7th

PBiS raffle is today! Winners will get a phone call home to express what a wonderful job they've done!